Monday, February 22, 2016

Lisp as a Scripting Language

My first car was an old '59 Ford pickup truck I bought back in high school.  It had been a three-generation truck, owned by a grandfather, father, and then the son.  But it'd been in an accident and they didn't want to repair it.  I bought it for all the money I had; $300.  It wasn't pretty to look at, but that truck was solid.  It ran like a top, had hydraulic assist brakes, granny first gear, and I could fix most anything in a pinch, even on the side of the road.  If I'd been less of a disaster at that age, I'd have done the work to make it look good again.

I'm not sure what it has to do with Lisp.  I think I'm just adding copy to take up space.

I wrote some Lisp code today.  It wasn't much, just a little script to do a little work and generate some Java classes.  I could have used any scripting language, but having a body of work ready to leverage makes Lisp the easy candidate.  That I can return to the code later and understand it just adds to the allure of Lisp.  In the end, it saved me a lot of time to have Lisp write the classes for me.  Especially since the alternative in Android Studio is mind-numbingly slow and manually intensive.

That's all I got.  Maybe more soon.  I might be building a website in Lisp this week.  It'll likely freak me out to spend a whole day in Lisp.  I'll be sure to post something more interesting if/when that actually happens.

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