Friday, April 1, 2016

Boy do I love working with Lisp

And in the strangest turn of events, working with Lisp and Java together has turned out to be...

A Lot of Fun

Who knew?  Actually... Guy Steele does.  He probably keeps hoping a lot of somebodies keep finding ways to put his chocolate (Lisp) with his peanut butter (Java) and make something awesome.

If I can keep chugging away on this Lisp implementation, which is starting to take shape and look interesting, I might have something to share when it's my turn to present:

What I Did This Summer...

Well... let me tell you, my summer was awesome.  But this one thing with Lisp & Java was really cool.  It all started with a thought experiment.  I was wondering, "What would happen if I wrote this piece of my calculator program so I could make it look and work like Lisp."

Wow. I sound like a nerd. :-)

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