Tuesday, November 24, 2015

;;; Narf!

"What are we going to do tonight, Brain?"

"The same thing we do every night Pinky - try to take over the world!"

Seems like I've got enough to work with to try this package idea now. A stream of gesticulating wildness that strays into the nethermost regions of the nether...um, regions of something anticlimactic here. I've got a little idea and I've got a little code. I'm going to try to install whatever this crap is into the Lisp I'm writing and see what explodes. Nothing should. 

More likely it won't do anything. Anything intelligent, that is. I'm expecting frustration and angst. Maybe crying. I hate wasting time, and attacking packages seems like the ultimate in tilting at windmills. Of course, nobody would know if I wasn't blabbing about it on the internet. This is meant to motivate me because mom isn't the only person reading. Unless she's spoofing Google stats again.

I'm going to report back if this festering pile gets a full head of steam and threatens humanity. Or my sanity, which, like a well-worn shirt, is frayed to the very moment of disintegration.

Maybe it'll work. Though I fear it will end, as so many episodes do, in travesty and hubris.

"Like every night, Pinky."


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